The reason
I think the LED market is stabilizing.
The blooming that the market experienced starting a few years ago, is calming down.
The local suppliers in the “world outside China” have found their suppliers, and now there is a fight to get them to try new ones.
New clients are getting more and more rare, but the LED manufacturers in China are many (and in India too, apparently) and the sales stuff is facing a very difficult task.
What is happening then
So long emails are written, very good speaches, filled with promises.
Also, as price is the easy weapon, many times I just get pricelists from companies.
However, that imposes a risk to the end-user, as the quality might be diminished too. I think some manufacturers might walk on the edge in that aspect, in order to compete with those who know they sell garbage to begin with. They all hope the quality is good enough just to last the warranty period, not much more.
I would never buy based on price only myself.
Furthermore, as I personally don’t trust cheaper products, we try to offer 5 years warranty products mostly.
My suggesstion
I really do think all these sales persons, boys and girl at their 20s mostly, probably break their heads on how to contact clients, and thus emailing to any email address available, and the persue is on even for just selling a few samples only. Many work crazy hours, and are obligated to talk about work with clients available on Skype for instance, even at late evening hours.
I understand the pressure completely, I think it has gone a bit crazy.
I can only advise all those motivated young sales stuff persons:
When you send those mails, KEEP THEM SHORT!
Remember – The marketing researches proved that a person scans advertisements for about 3 sec., and then moves on.
So try to be creative…Those loooooong letters saying how wonderfull you are ( and I am sure you are) are of no use.
Make it short and simple, try to make the client want to know more. Nothing more can be achieved, so really no need for all those words…
Why would I advise that? Well, as they say, “if you can’t beat them, join them”… 🙂